The Pigeon That Came Home To Roost

Just another update on Doug’s professional situation

A Bird In Hand

Just another update on Doug’s professional situation.

A New Resume, At Last

Updated design and organization of Doug’s resume.

Searching for that Right Match – A Dater’s Guide to Job Hunting

Just another update on Doug’s professional situation.

Resume Collateral, or Here’s Doug!

This new resume collateral piece designed wholly by Doug is intended to supplement Doug’s resume and raise interest levels of prospective employers.

Another Milestone, Amid Mixed Metaphors

Just another update on Doug’s professional situation.

Good Hunting! (or Resumes, Reach and Rejection – Oh My)

It can be tough for the job hunter – the woods are filled with countless other orange-vested job seekers, all jockeying for position to trap their prey: the elusive creature known as fulfilling employment. And the longer one spends out in the woods, more cold and alone he or she begins to feel. But there are steps the job hunter can take to maximize their opportunities.

2010 Job Search, By The Numbers

I’ve compiled the numbers and done a quick analysis of my job search in 2010. Which major job search site is not worth your time? Does working with a connection at a company really help? How often do recruiters seek you out?

Not Your Father’s Job Search

Everybody knows that the Internet has vastly changed the way people search for jobs. Explore a little deeper into how things have changed – what the new “common wisdom” is, as well as some cutting edge ideas on how to land that job offer. But the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Another Week, Another Dozen Applications

Just another update on Doug’s professional situation

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